Welcome to my art world
Welcome! My name is Santino Jas.
I make exclusive & personalized commissioned art.
In the short period that I have been active, my work has not gone entirely unnoticed by the general public.
For example, I was able to tell my story "From window cleaner to artist" on RTL4 and my creations hang with various artists, top athletes & entrepreneurs on the wall.
Think of names like Andy vd Meijde, Mart Hoogkamer, Chatilla van Grinsven, Brace, Joel Beukers & many others.
I also had the opportunity to exhibit my art at the Masters Expo 2022 & Excellent Fair in Ahoy Rotterdam.
From now on I am proud to announce that the first Santino Gallery has been opened in the nostalgic centerm from Leiden!
The location makes it more than worthwhile to make a fun day out of it. With the Leidse Burght, Hooglandse Kerk, Kunsthuis Leiden and many catering establishments within walking distance, you can easily spend a day.
The Santino Gallery radiates a warm welcome with its chic decoration, luxurious bar and exclusive works of art.
Are you looking for a luxury? art gift? Then the Santino home perfume and the Santino Verdejo are the perfect gift!
In short... I would like to invite you to enjoy eand a fresh cup of coffee to come and admire my creations.
Do you like exclusivity? Then choose a personalized work of art. This way, your most beautiful or valuable moments can be combined into 1 story or you can opt for a unique showpiece in a style that you like to define yourself with. This can be done by Self-provided images or in combination with a theme photo shoot in my gallery. It is also possible to incorporate 3-dimensional elements such as Swarovski, letters & objects into your work of art.
Custom art rates:
120 x 80 from €2000
140 x 80 from €2250
160 x 100 from €2500
180 x 110 from €2750
200 x 110 from €3000
Would you like to explore the possibilities with me? Then plan your visit to the Santino Gallery without obligation and I will ensure that we create your own masterpiece together.

Today, a Santino is often associated with exclusivity. I offer those who want something unique that they will not find anywhere else.
That is why I have taken the big step to expand in Dubai in 2024. I will realize this step in collaboration with Treasures International founded by Marieux van den Broek. Marieux van den Broek is a distinctive architect from the highest segment and has offices in Dubai, Qatar & Monaco.
I am therefore very honored that Santino will be part of this exclusive organization.
While most works of art stand out because of their colorful designs, een Santino himself through its widely used bronze shade and Rough Edged frame.
I am making a breakthrough with this innovative technique the traditional style of the baking frames.
It provides a luxurious appearance that fits at home in any atmosphere.
It is often referred to as modern art with class.

1:1 Unique SOLD!

1:1 Unique SOLD!


1:1 Unique SOLD!
Santino heeft de eer gekregen om twee unieke exemplaren te creëren voor de 14e editie van Koken met een doel.
Deze unieke exemplaren van 1.20 x 1.20 zijn als één van de hoofd kavels geveild op het besloten event van 2024.
De volledige opbrengst van maar liefst €32.000,- is ten goede gekomen aan deze prachtige Foundation welk zich wereldwijd inzet voor sportieve voorzieningen voor o.a. kans arme jongeren en jongeren met een beperking.
Een bekend voorbeeld hiervan zijn de Cruyff Courts die wereldwijd te vinden zijn.
De titel van dit unieke item luidt: Alleen kun je niets, Je moet het samen doen.
Een typische uitspraak jegens Johan. En niets is minder waar..

De exclusieve businessclub Domín vierde zijn 2 jarig jubileum en zette zich groots in voor Free a Girl.
Free a Girl strijd wereldwijd voor jonge meisjes die gedwongen in de wereld van prostitutie belanden.
Zij hebben met hun bevrijdingsacties al meer dan 8.000 kinderen mogen redden van deze gruwelijkheden.
Een geweldig event in het Amsterdamse Krasnapolsky waarbij diverse dans acts werden verzorgd onder begeleiding van Timor Steffens.
Met behulp van verschillende partnerships werd er een gigantische cheque van maar liefst €500.000,- overhandigd aan Yolanthe Cabau en haar trouwe partners.
Ook Santino mocht wederom een mooie bijdrage leveren aan deze onmisbare foundation.

Andy van der Meijde
Santino!!! It hangs super size! Thank you man, really great!!

Chatilla van Grinsven
Thank you Santino for my beautiful epoxy artwork!
I'm going to enjoy this!

What a boss you are man! I gave it to my buddy Ray as a surprise and what a thing man! Thanks

Mart Hoogkamer
He has more than succeeded! He's really beautiful. Thank you!